Wind Farm Construction: Complete Process with Real Examples

  • Comprehensive wind assessment: the key step prior to construction.
  • Terrain study: optimization of space and accessibility of wind turbines.
  • Construction and maintenance phases: from civil works to final dismantling.

Wind farm and its construction

Have you ever seen a wind farm working. The wind turbines and their blades moving and generating energy. However, behind all this, there is a great study of the winds, the position of the wind turbines, the power needed, etc. In this post we are going to see step by step everything you need to know about the construction of a wind farm.

Do you want to learn everything that wind power generation entails?

Wind measurement

Need to know the wind farm

Obviously we are talking about wind power, so the most important first study that It is done on the wind. It is necessary to know the wind regime that blows in the area where the wind farm is to be built. It is not only important to know the type of wind that prevails, but also the speed at which it blows and its frequency.

The time taken to measure wind varies depending on the project objective. Typically, these measurements are carried out over a full year to obtain a clearer picture and avoid uncertainties.

Wind is measured from three key heights: blade tip, mid-height and hub height. This makes wind values ​​more accurate and useful for wind farm construction.

For measurement, the following are used: anemometers, hygrometers, weather vanes, thermometers and barometers, installed on masts and towers at the various indicated heights, ensuring the accuracy of the measurements over time.

Choosing and Measuring the Area

Small wind farm

After obtaining complete information on the wind, it is necessary to study the area where the wind farm is to be installed. This is crucial, since the profitability of the park will depend not only on wind measurements, but also on the characteristics of the terrain. The available surface, the orography and the accessibility to the terrain are key aspects for the success of the project..

A thorough knowledge of both the topography and potential infrastructure required, such as roads, crane work platforms, and electrical transmission cables, is required.

While looking for the most suitable land possible, it is also important to optimize the budget. A good study can help avoid additional expenses during construction and even reduce maintenance costs.

Calculating wind farm performance

Location required for the wind farm

Once the wind database has been obtained and the terrain has been assessed, the expected performance of the park is calculated. This calculation seeks to determine how much energy the facility will be able to produce from the available wind resources. This is done based on the nominal power of the chosen wind turbines, the topographic design and their arrangement..

This analysis includes an optimized distribution using specialized software to configure the best location for each wind turbine.

It is important to note that this initial phase does not take into account potential electrical losses that may arise in auxiliary infrastructures (such as transmission lines), nor other future setbacks that could affect performance.

Stage prior to the construction of the wind farm

Preparing the site for wind turbines

Before starting with the actual construction, the Technical feasibility, financing and compliance with regulations to ensure the project progresses smoothly. Engineering work focuses on site accuracy, risk management and resource optimisation.

Additional geotechnical and environmental analyses are carried out to ensure both the stability of the terrain and compliance with environmental regulations, minimising impacts and preserving both the environment and local fauna.

It is also essential to assess the accessibility of the site and plan logistics routes for transporting components as large as blades and towers.

Elements of the construction of a wind farm

Construction of a wind turbine

The construction of a wind farm consists of several phases:

  • Civil work: Platforms, foundations and access roads to the wind turbines are built. This can take between 4 and 12 months, depending on the terrain and the size of the project.
  • Electric connection: Electrical systems are installed to connect the wind farm to the grid. This stage can last between 6 and 18 months.
  • Installation of wind turbines: Once the civil works are completed, the wind turbines are assembled and mounted, which can take between 12 and 24 months depending on the size of the park.

The machinery used to install the wind turbines is particularly robust, including colossal cranes capable of lifting structures over 100 metres high.

Wind farm construction

Maintenance tasks of a wind farm

Once the park is operational, it is essential to carry out a regular maintenanceThis includes not only wind turbines, but also auxiliary infrastructure such as electrical substations, transmission lines and access roads.

Maintenance costs depend directly on the quality of the wind farm's construction, as well as the number of wind turbines installed. A wind farm with up to 50 wind turbines requires approximately 6 people for regular inspections, plus additional support for half-yearly maintenance and general overhauls. Maintenance tasks include:

  • Lubrication of mechanical components.
  • Review of control and communications systems.
  • Replacement of worn parts.

Wind farm maintenance

By maintaining a proper maintenance routine, the longevity of the wind farm is guaranteed and unplanned downtime is reduced to a minimum. This means that the operating duration of wind turbines can be optimized, ensuring their profitability over the years.

Environmental impact and land restoration

Once a wind farm's useful life has ended, decommissioning must be carried out in an appropriate manner to minimise the impact on the environment. Non-permanent infrastructure, such as cranes and temporary access roads, are dismantled and recycled or adapted for new projects.

The land where the wind turbines have been located can be restored through landscaping and reforestation, allowing the ecosystem to recover its natural form. This is a fundamental part of complying with environmental regulations and mitigating the long-term effects of the construction of the park.

You now understand everything that is required for the construction and maintenance of a wind farm, from the initial studies to the decommissioning phase. Wind energy is not only a sustainable source of energy but also requires careful study, planning and execution to ensure its long-term viability.

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      Dr. Luis Monzon said

    Good day. How much land is needed for a 100 MW wind turbine?
    Thank you.

      Darci dal put on said

    I have measures, I need advice and contact to continue my wind project