Impact of waste on nature: Destruction and solutions

  • Waste can take years or centuries to degrade, polluting the environment for generations.
  • Correct separation and recycling of waste is key to mitigating its environmental impact.
  • Global measures are needed to curb the accumulation of waste in natural ecosystems.

impact of waste on nature

Throw away the waste in the nature It brings with it many consequences that we are not always able to fully measure. The lifespan of some waste in the environment is alarmingly long compared to the time we think it takes to degrade. An object that is discarded in a natural setting can continue to pollute long after we are no longer alive. Below, we will explore a list of common objects, their durability, and the time it takes them to decompose without human intervention.

The impact of waste on nature

The waste Waste has become a global problem, and it is becoming increasingly clear that the waste we generate is outstripping our ability to manage it sustainably. The problem is not just the amount of waste we throw away, but the way it affects our environment. Every year, recycling waste in Europe costs us more than €10.000 billion. Below, we show you some of the main materials we find in nature and how long they take to degrade.

  • Toilet paper: between 2 weeks and 1 month.
  • Tissue paper: 3 months.
  • Periodic: between 3 and 12 months.
  • Cigarette butt: between 1 and 2 years.
  • Bus or metro ticket: 1 year.
  • Chewing gum: 5 years.
  • Steel can: 100 years.
  • Aluminum can: between 10 and 100 years.
  • Rubber wheel: 100 years.
  • Mercury battery: 200 years.
  • Compress or tampon: between 400 and 450 years.
  • Plastic bag: 450 years.

Consequences of waste on the environment

inorganic waste classification and examples

Waste has multiple negative effects on the environment. According to the Ecological Economics Research Group, litter affects water, soil, air and biodiversity. The most common impacts are listed below:

  • Pollution of natural resources.
  • Damage to fauna and flora.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Increase in diseases in ecosystems.

One of the biggest problems is the water contaminationThe waste we throw into nature, especially plastics, ends up in rivers, lakes and finally the oceans. This has serious consequences for aquatic ecosystems, as many marine animals ingest these plastics, causing death or serious health problems.

Globally, the figures are alarming. According to a study by the World Bank, are generated annually around 2010 million tons of solid waste, and at least 33% of them are not managed properly, which means that they end up contaminating the soil or bodies of water.

The different classifications of waste

Waste can be classified in different ways, either by its origin, its composition, or the risk it represents for the environment. According to the Recycling Promotion Act, we can classify them as follows:

  • Domestic waste: These are the waste produced in homes.
  • Industrial waste: They come from industrial activities and can be very polluting.
  • Hospital waste: These residues also deserve special attention due to the biological risks they may present.
  • Dangerous residues: These include those materials that exhibit characteristics of corrosiveness, reactivity, toxicity or flammability.

How to measure the impact of waste

inorganic waste classification and examples

When measuring the environmental impact of waste, the following is used: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This method allows to identify and evaluate the effects of a project or human activity on the environment, and is based on the use of sustainable development indicatorsThe most common methods used in an EIA include expert analysis and the use of mathematical and physical models to predict potential impact.

Solutions to minimize the impact of waste

To reduce the and impact To reduce the environmental impact of waste, it is essential to implement changes in our way of life, following strategies such as the 3 R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. In addition, government-level reuse and recycling policies can significantly minimize the volume of waste that pollutes our environment.

The use of recycling containers Separating waste based on its material can have a positive impact on the fight against pollution, as well as encouraging the reduction of the consumption of disposable products.

On the other hand, the implementation of technologies such as the production of biogas from organic waste is one of the most sustainable solutions. Through this process, waste is transformed into ecological fuel that can be used for various energy needs.

Impact on ecosystems

The accumulation of waste has a devastating impact on ecosystems. Animals can be affected in a variety of ways, from ingesting plastics to becoming entangled in them, causing serious injuries. According to the ONUAt least 50% of sea turtles that have been found dead had plastic in their stomachs.

In addition, many waste products, such as cigarette butts, contain chemicals that can contaminate soil and water, making it difficult for plants to grow and affecting the biodiversity of the area.

Waste collection projects

types of garbage and waste containers that are deposited

There are several initiatives to reduce the impact of waste on nature. Projects such as Free, nature without trash The aim of these initiatives is to clean up natural areas and collect information about the rubbish found in these spaces. These types of initiatives are vital to reducing the amount of plastics and other waste that end up in ecosystems.

The impact of waste on nature is a growing problem that we urgently need to address. The key is to reduce waste production, encourage recycling and reuse, and improve our waste management systems. In addition, it is crucial to raise awareness among the population about the seriousness of this problem so that we can all do our part.

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