How to transform your organic waste into high-quality homemade compost

  • Organic waste can be transformed into natural fertilizer through composting.
  • Materials such as fruit peels, garden waste and coffee grounds are ideal for composting.
  • Vermicomposting is an excellent option for small spaces.

Organic waste They can be much more than just trash. With a little knowledge and dedication, we can transform them into a valuable resource for our environment. One of the main problems facing cities is the accumulation and mismanagement of this waste, which contributes to air, water and land pollution. However, with proper composting techniques, we can turn this waste into an excellent resource. homemade organic fertilizer.

Recycling is one of the best practices to reduce the amount of waste we generate. Although many people are already familiar with recycling plastics, papers and glass, proper disposal of waste is a challenge. Organic waste, such as food scraps or plant remains, remains a challenge that not many have implemented in their daily lives.

These residues, although they seem useless and smelly, contain a large amount of nutrients that, through a correct composting process, can be transformed into a excellent natural fertilizer for our plants. But how exactly can we achieve this? Here we explain the basic principles of composting, the materials you can use and how to carry out the process at home.

What is composting?

Composting is a technique that takes advantage of the natural decomposition of organic waste to produce compost, a nutrient-rich compost. Through aerobic decomposition, bacteria and fungi convert organic remains into a soil-like substance rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This process can take between 3 and 6 months, depending on conditions, and the resulting compost can be used in gardens, orchards or indoor plants.

Composting not only reduces the amount of waste we send to landfills, but also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, since organic waste buried in landfills generates large amounts of methane, a highly polluting gas.

Materials you can use to make compost

To make compost at home, you only need collect organic waste from your kitchen or garden. Here is a list of common waste that you can use to create quality compost:

  • Fruit and vegetable peelsThey are one of the main components of compost due to their high nutritional value.
  • Used coffee and tea: In addition to providing nutrients, they help maintain adequate humidity in the compost.
  • Eggshells: Although they take longer to decompose, they provide calcium to the compost.
  • Pruning remains, dry leaves and grass: These are the so-called 'brown materials', necessary to balance the carbon content.
  • Inkless paper and cardboard: Carbon-rich materials that help maintain the structure of the compost.

What to avoid in your compost

Although many organic wastes are suitable for compost, there are others that you should avoid, as they can attract pests or take too long to decompose:

  • Leftover meat or fish: They can attract animals and decompose improperly.
  • Pet droppings: They contain bacteria that can be harmful.
  • sick plants: They can spread diseases if not composted properly.
  • Dairy products: They do not decompose properly and can generate unpleasant odors.

How to make compost: step by step

If you are convinced that you want to start making your own compost, here are the basic steps to get started:

  1. Choose a place: If you have a garden, you can set aside a small area for your compost bin. If you live in an apartment, you can buy a small compost bin. It is important that the compost bin has good ventilation and access to the soil to allow drainage.
  2. Add the waste: Start by placing a layer of brown materials, such as dry branches or cardboard, then add food scraps and other organic waste.
  3. Mix from time to time: Stir materials at least once a week to allow aeration and speed up the decomposition process.
  4. keep moisture: The contents should be slightly damp, like a wrung-out sponge. If it is too dry, add water; if it is too wet, add more dry materials.

Advantages of composting

The advantages of making compost at home are multiple:

  • waste reduction: By composting, you will be reducing up to 50% of the waste you generate in your home.
  • Improved soil qualityCompost provides essential nutrients for plants and helps improve soil structure, making it more fertile.
  • Environmental contribution: You will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help close the organic matter cycle naturally.

Alternatives to traditional compost: vermicomposting

El vermicomposting This is another composting technique that uses worms to break down organic waste. This method is ideal if you don't have a lot of space, since worms, especially Californian red worms, can do the job in a smaller space and more quickly than traditional composting. The result is high-quality humus that also doesn't give off bad odors.

You can use a vermicomposter small at home, even if you live in an apartment. These worms work quickly and produce two types of fertilizer: solid humus, which you can mix directly into the soil, and liquid humus, also known as worm tea, which is excellent as a liquid fertilizer for plants.

What to do with compost once it is ready?

The compost is ready when it has a dark color, a texture similar to soil, and a pleasant forest smell. At that point, you can use it in different ways:

  • Improving the soil: You can add it directly to your garden or orchard to improve soil fertility and help plants grow stronger.
  • in pots: If you have potted plants, mix some compost into the soil to give them an extra boost of nutrients.
  • As mulch: Spread a layer of compost over the soil to help retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Ultimately, learning to compost is a practice that not only benefits your plants, but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. It is a great way to reduce waste and give back to the earth what we take from it.

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