La Electricity is one of the most important sources of energy today. Since some cities began to be electrified in the 9th century, many industries and gadgets of daily life are now powered by this energy. It helps us to communicate through communication devices, to perform household tasks with household appliances, to data processing with computer equipment, online bureaucracy, leisure, etc.
Therefore, it is an integral part of our daily lives, but its excessive use can lead to high bills and greater environmental impact. And that's what this article is for, to try to avoid both things as much as possible, without giving up well-being and current technology, but being more sustainable...
What is the energy efficiency label?
La European Union energy efficiency label is a tool that allows consumers to better understand and compare the efficiency of household appliances and make more sustainable and economical purchasing decisions. This label classifies appliances on a scale from A to G based on the amount of energy they consume. Class A appliances (green) are the ones that consume the least energy (the most efficient from an energy point of view). Class G devices (red) are the ones that consume the most energy, and those that should be avoided.
Changes in the new labeling and equivalences
Previously, the degree of energy efficiency was measured with the letters: A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, D and E. However, since March 2021, new label introduced following EU guidelines. With this change, levels A+++, A++ and A were eliminated and a new 7-letter scale was established: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, with label A being the one with the highest efficiency and G being the lowest. . This measure is intended to eliminate confusion regarding the classification between the different variants of A above.
Best energy-efficient appliances
Once you understand this about the labels, so that you don't have to look for what they are the best appliances with greater efficiency, to save energy at home, and contribute to the environment while reducing your electricity bill, we have made this selection carefully:
Best efficient microwaves
El microwave oven It is a widely used appliance, and with more and more followers. It can be used to quickly heat, cook, gratin, or defrost, and it is important that it be efficient, like these three models that we show you.
Best efficient dishwashers
The dishwasher They not only consume water, they also use electrical energy to function. Therefore, it is important to purchase a class A one, so that it is certified on the label that it is as efficient as possible, and thus save energy with each wash.
Best efficient refrigerators
La fridge It is not the appliance that consumes the most, however, it is one of those that contribute the most to consumption and the bill. The reason is that it is connected 24/7, it is always working, and this shows. Therefore, choose one of these best and most efficient options that we have selected for you.
Best efficient washing machines
Like the dishwasher, another appliance that consumes water and electricity is the washing-machine. Therefore, do not hesitate to buy one of these and replace your old device, since in the long run it will be offset by the savings you will have.
Best efficient ovens
El electric oven It is one of the appliances that consumes the most, since resistances are used to generate heat that can consume 2000W and even more than 3000W in some cases. Therefore, it is vital that it be efficient to save energy.
Best efficient televisions
La TV, since its invention, has taken over homes and occupies a privileged place. We spend many hours in front of it, and that shows in the electricity bill. That's why she saves money with these efficient televisions.
Best efficient light bulbs
There are many types of Energy saving lightbulbs, based on LED technology, both conventional and intelligent. Here I recommend the best ones.
Best efficient air conditioners
In summer we always want to be at a comfortable temperature, and to do so we have to consume energy. However, the minimum possible can be consumed using temperatures that are not very low (23-26ºC) and with a efficient air conditioning like these. And, remember to have the house well insulated, so that no heat comes in from outside...
Best efficient stoves
Something similar to the above happens with the winter months. We all want to get home and for it to have a comfortable temperature. Stoves, along with ovens, are usually the appliances that consume the most electrical energy. For this reason, it is doubly important not to use very high temperatures, and purchase an efficient stove, as well as having the home well insulated.