Differences between wasp and bee

swarm of bees

We see them hovering around us, constantly trying to evade their stings. Wasps and bees are two insects that may look the same at first glance, particularly because of their buzzing and body coloration. However, they exhibit significant differences in behavior, attitude, and life cycle.

In this article we are going to explain to you what the main ones are differences between wasp and bee.



Before discussing the distinctions between wasps and bees, it is essential to examine each of these creatures in detail for a comprehensive understanding. Bees are anthophilous insects classified within the order of Hymenoptera and belong to the Apoidea family.

Bees play a crucial role in collecting pollen and nectar from flowers, which they then store within their hives. Honey bees possess the unique ability to produce honey. Their ability to collect these substances is attributed to the inherent characteristics of their anatomy, as they have specialized baskets located on their legs that facilitate the storage of the pollen they collect.

There are several species of bees, but most exhibit a light brown coloration adorned with black stripes. From a distance, this brown hue can appear to have a yellowish tint, which can lead to possible confusion with wasps.

In terms of social behavior, bees are highly social creatures that inhabit large hives, usually built in trees. Within this social structure, distinct roles are clearly delineated and, like ants, it is the queen bee who oversees the management of the tasks performed by the worker bees within the hive.

These creatures are remarkably calm and will refrain from attacking or stinging unless they perceive a threat. Furthermore, when bees sting, they die because their stinger becomes lodged in the victim's body, rendering it unable to survive without that part. Therefore, they do not sting arbitrarily; rather, they do so only when they truly feel in danger.



In contrast, wasps are found as insects that serve as predators, in contrast to bees, as they attack for sustenance and survival. In addition, These creatures do not produce honey and typically inhabit honeycombs rather than hives. The primary purpose of these structures is to provide shelter and a space for reproduction, rather than to facilitate honey production.

Due to their predatory characteristics, wasps exhibit greater aggressiveness and have a slimmer, more elongated and larger physique. Typically, Its body coloration varies in warm shades, including yellow, light brown and amber, which are constantly complemented by black stripes.

Their interactions with each other are less sociable compared to those of bees, mainly due to the need to survive and hunt various insects for sustenance. Consequently, They exhibit a higher degree of unsociability and have a stronger instinct for competition and survival among themselves.Unlike bees, when wasps sting, they do not die or lose their stinger.

Having examined both insects, we can now outline the key differences between wasps and bees to summarise and compare the information we have gathered.

Differences between wasps and bees

wasp in hive

Let's see what are the main differences between wasps and bees:

  • On one hand, It is observed that wasps are larger than bees. Furthermore, it is observed that wasps lack hair, while bees have it.
  • Bees are the creators of honey, while wasps do not engage in this production. Bees' habitats consist of hives that they build independently, unlike wasps, which inhabit honeycombs where they also reside.
  • Wasps show a higher level of aggressiveness, since They are predatory creatures that depend on insects for sustenance. Honeybees, on the other hand, are considerably more social and maintain a structured hierarchy within their hives, consisting of a queen and worker bees.
  • When a bee stings, it loses its stinger, which remains embedded in the victim's body, resulting in the bee's death; however, wasps do not die after giving a sting.
  • Wasps enter a state of hibernation, which explains its absence in the environment during the coldest weather; on the contrary, bees remain active and persist in collecting honey throughout the year.

Other differences between bees and wasps are that in the case of wasps, only the females possess a stinger, which is used for reproduction. The stinger allows fertile wasps to lay eggs for future larvae. However, it is not universally accurate to say that the stinger is only used to inject venom into their prey. It should be noted that wasps have the ability to sting their prey multiple times.

In bees, the stinger has a defensive function and, consequently, It is linked to the injection of poisonIn general, bees are non-aggressive creatures that only attack when they perceive a threat, either individually or collectively; wasps, on the other hand, tend to be more aggressive insects.

What to do if a wasp stings you

The discomfort caused by a wasp sting is notoriously annoying, which probably contributes to them being considered one of the most underrated insects. It is essential to avoid provoking them, since wasps have the ability to sting multiple times. Unlike bees, which die after being stung.

In the case of a wasp sting, it is advisable to clean the affected area with water and neutral soap. It is important not to apply pressure or scratch the sting, as this can aggravate the pain. To mitigate the risk of infection, especially if the area has been contaminated, it is recommended to apply a topical antiseptic such as chlorhexidine, iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

After a wasp sting, usually There is significant pain and swellingHowever, if there is considerable swelling of the face or other area of ​​the body, it is critical to determine whether an allergic reaction to the sting has occurred.

Reactions can occur all over the body, including areas that have not been stung, and manifest as a hives-like sensation that spreads all over the body. People may experience difficulty breathing normally, accompanied by shortness of breath, cough, or asthma-like symptoms. In addition, hives and redness of the skin may be observed, as well as symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or nausea.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the main differences between wasps and bees.

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