New US Energy Discovery Promises Endless Power

plasma cannons

The United States has discovered what could be considered the Holy Grail, possessing enough energy to sustain civilization for thousands of years. The ongoing fight against climate change, coupled with the search for new energy sources, has prompted extensive exploration of alternatives to fossil fuels. As a result, the world is at a juncture where it is closely examining innovative options, including the peculiar new energy source found in volcanoes.

In this article we are going to tell you how the New US discovery promises unlimited energy.

Advancement of renewables

infinite energy

The advancement of renewable energy sources has reached a point of no return. This statement is supported by annual statistics published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Forecasts indicate that the share of renewable energy in the world is expected to increase by 20% over the next 10 years. global electricity supply will increase from 28,7% in 2021 to 43% in 2030. Furthermore, these sources are projected to account for two-thirds of the increase in electricity demand observed during this period, driven primarily by wind and photovoltaic technologies.

While solar and wind energy are the most recognized and commonly referenced when talking about renewable sources, hydrogen is emerging as an alternative fuel generator worthy of consideration. Many experts consider it the optimal gas to deal with the energy crisis, since it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions and only generates water vapor as a byproduct.

The United States has discovered the definitive solution to its energy problems

ways to generate infinite energy

Under these conditions, a report by the United States Geological Survey states that natural reserves of hydrogen located underground are sufficient to meet the demand projected for the next centuries. Geoffrey Ellis, representing the United States Geological Survey, maintains that Underground storage facilities worldwide may hold up to 5.500 billion tons of hydrogen.

According to their calculations, this is a figure that could meet the needs of civilization for centuries. Hydrogen is presented as an important prospect for alleviating the crisis and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, artificial hydrogen production produces emissions that are harmful to the planet. However, in recent years, geologists have been discovering natural reserves of hydrogen around the world.

Several months earlier, a chromite mine was discovered in Bulqizë, Albania, with the potential to produce more than 200 tons of hydrogen per year. Extracting natural hydrogen, called geological hydrogen or golden hydrogen, has the potential to become the most economical and environmentally friendly method of obtaining it. Ellis has conducted extensive research on this topic, and although his analysis has not yet been published, it presents surprising results. However, warns that gaining access to this valuable gas may not be as easy as it seems.

Speaking to the Financial Times, Ellis admitted that “most hydrogen is likely to be inaccessible.” He added: “But a small percentage of recovery would still meet all projected demand (500 million tonnes a year) for hundreds of years.” The United States holds hydrogen in high regard.

The expert suggests that the source of hydrogen deposits could be attributed to the interaction between certain iron-rich minerals and groundwater. In certain cases, hydrogen may not exist in its pure form and could be found in combination with other gases, such as methane, which would require a separation process.

However, the process of its extraction releases methane into the atmosphere. From an ecological point of view, this is discouraging, since methane is a greenhouse gas that It is 85 times more effective than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

Regardless of the circumstances, the scientist says it could be argued that it has the potential to be significantly greener than green hydrogen, which relies on renewable energy for its production and does not produce emissions harmful to the ecosystem. The United States claims to have discovered the ultimate energy solution: hydrogen reserves. This is a fuel that may be available for use on our roads sooner than expected.

Fission versus fusion

fusion vs fission

Nuclear power plants in operation today rely on fission reactions, which involve splitting atoms to release energy and smaller particles. Instead, Fusion works in the opposite way: hydrogen particles fuse under extreme temperatures and pressures to form a heavier element, helium.This process is considered safer because it does not produce radioactive waste, unlike fission. In addition, the raw materials needed for fusion are relatively simple and fusion reactions are naturally quenched without causing harm. However, the challenge lies in replicating, controlling and harnessing this energy on Earth, where the conditions of immense gravity and high temperatures found on the Sun are absent. This aspect has proven to be quite difficult.

To date, the only reactor that has managed to produce more energy than necessary to start the reaction is the National Ignition Facility (NIF). This achievement has been possible thanks to the process of inertial confinement, which involves an experiment that uses 192 lasers aimed at a tiny capsule of hydrogen, specifically gold the size of a peppercorn, which is filled with deuterium and tritium (isotopes of hydrogen). The immense pressure applied to this "sphere" - which the laser beams were precisely aimed at with a margin of error smaller than a human hair - resulted in a reaction that lasted for millionths of a second. This duration, although brief, was enough toconfirm that the system is effective and that the extreme energy responsible for igniting stars can, in fact, be reproduced in this environment.

Studies indicate that this reactor first recorded a net profit on December 5, 2022. In addition, three subsequent experiments conducted in the following months also yielded successful results, one of which generated 1,9 times the energy that started it. These three cases serve as evidence that the milestone achieved was not the result of mere chance.

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