Cockroaches are one of the most common and annoying pests that we can find in our homes. These insects have an incredible ability to adapt and are famous for their resistance to both different environmental conditions and many common insecticides. Therefore, eliminating them can become a complex task, especially if we do not know where to start or what methods to use to get rid of them effectively. In this article we are going to tell you what the best strategies are, from Home Remedies to professional treatments.
Dealing with these types of infestations is not just about convenience or aesthetics; cockroaches can represent a real risk to our health. They are carriers of multiple diseases and their presence can trigger allergies or aggravate disorders such as asthma. For this reason, knowing their habits, common mistakes when fighting them and the most effective ways to eliminate them will be essential to prevent their proliferation.
Getting to know cockroaches: Types, habits and risks
Before fighting cockroaches, it is important to identify the most common species that usually appear in our homes. Knowing their characteristics It helps us understand their customs and take more effective action against them.
German cockroach (Blattella germanica)
This species is one of the most common in homes and establishments. Small and light brown with two dark stripes on the thorax, it measures between 1,1 and 1,6 cm long. It prefers warm and humid environments such as toilets y kitchensAlthough they cannot fly, their reproductive capacity is extremely high, so an infestation can grow rapidly if not controlled in time.
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
It is the largest and one of the most intimidating for many people. It can measure between 3,8 and 5,3 cm and has a characteristic reddish brown color. This species can also fly. They usually appear in areas where there is moisture, such as basements or sewers, although they also venture into kitchens and patios.
Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
Dark in color and with a distinctive shine on its body, this cockroach is common in urban areas. They are usually found in humid places such as drains, sewers and basements. They measure between 2,5 and 3,8 cm and, although they do not fly, they are fast at moving.
Health risks
Cockroaches are not only unpleasant because of their appearance and fast movements, but they can also transmit diseases. Among the most common are the salmonellosis, gastroenteritis and typhoid fever. They also leave allergens in the dust in our homes, which can aggravate asthma and other allergies, especially in children.
Homemade and natural methods to combat cockroaches
There are numerous home remedies that can be very effective if the infestation is not too advanced. These methods are usually safer for the the environment and for the inhabitants of the home, including Pets.
Using baking soda and sugar
This mixture is a classic among home remedies due to its easy preparation and effectiveness. Sugar attracts cockroaches, while baking soda reacts with the insects' stomach acids, killing them. Place the preparation in small containers in the areas where you have detected activity.
Bay leaves
Laurel acts as a natural repellent thanks to its intense aroma. Place fresh or dry leaves in areas where cockroaches pass through, such as grates, pipe openings and dark corners.
Oregano essential oil and vinegar
This combination is very effective in repelling cockroaches naturally. Mix a few drops of oregano essential oil with vinegar and water to create a homemade insecticide. Spray the solution on doors, windows, and anywhere you suspect they may enter.
Sticky traps
These traps are a simple but effective solution. Place them in strategic places where you have seen cockroaches. Not only do they help catch them, but they allow you to assess the magnitude of infestation.
Business and professional solutions
When a cockroach problem gets out of hand, home remedies may not be enough. In these cases, turning to commercial products or hiring professional services is often the best option.
Gel baits
Gel baits are extremely effective in eliminating colonies. The cockroaches consume them and then carry the poison back to the nest, spreading it among other individuals.
Insecticide sprays
Aerosols are useful for direct attacks. However, their long-term effectiveness is limited. They should be used with caution, especially if there are children or pets in the home.
Diatomaceous earth
This natural powder acts by dehydrating cockroaches. It is a safe and non-toxic solution if used properly. Sprinkle the soil in the areas of traffic, but avoid contact with food or cooking utensils.
Common mistakes when fighting cockroaches and how to avoid them
When trying to get rid of cockroaches, many people make mistakes that, instead of solving the problem, can make it worse. Here are the most common ones:
- Excessive use of insecticides: This can disperse the pest, leading the roaches to hide deeper.
- Neglecting daily cleaning: Cockroaches feed on minimal food scraps, so keeping your home clean is crucial.
- Failure to seal cracks and access points: These gaps are the main entry point for cockroaches. Seal any potential access with caulk or tape.
Taking preventative measures and acting quickly and decisively will make the difference between getting rid of an occasional cockroach or facing a full-blown infestation. Combine cleaning, home methods and, if necessary, professional solutions to keep your home free of these pesky insects.