Although ants have traditionally been considered beneficial to gardening due to their role in distributing nutrients within the soil, an excessive population of these insects can negatively affect plant health. Is it possible to address pest problems without causing damage to the ecosystem?
In this article we are going to tell you How to get rid of ants from your plants in an ecological and safe way.
Sustainable ant elimination
Sustainable ant removal can be achieved by using natural ingredients, thus avoiding chemicals that can harm the environment or upset the ecological balance of our plants. During certain seasons, especially summer, The ant population tends to increase, which can affect plant roots. However, in limited numbers, these insects play a role in soil aeration and facilitating the distribution of nutrients. However, when their presence increases to the point of becoming a nuisance, effective strategies need to be implemented to address the problem.
Ants invading plant roots can impede plant growth by competing for essential nutrients and attracting pests such as aphids, which consume plant sap. Fortunately, there are natural and effective solutions that help repel and control these pests, ensuring the safety of both plants and the environment.
Sustainable solutions for ant elimination
Garlic water
Garlic is known for its repellent capacity, mainly due to the sulfur compounds that are particularly annoying to ants. The process of preparing garlic water is simple and inexpensive. All you need to do is crush a few cloves of garlic and soak them in water for at least 24 hours.
Afterwards, gently heat the mixture over low heat for a period of 15 minutes, then strain it and transfer the liquid into a spray bottle. This solution should be applied around the roots and in the affected areas to effectively deter ants.
Orange peels
The substances found in orange peels have ant-repellent properties. Cutting the peels into small fragments and distributing them around the roots or along the Along the paths that ants usually follow, these pests can be effectively deterred. Additionally, as the shells decompose, they provide nutrients to enrich the soil.
Bicarbonate of soda
Baking soda serves as an additional alternative to repel ants, preserving the integrity of plant roots. To use this method, you should sprinkle baking soda around the plant's soil. This substance works as a desiccant for ants and has antimicrobial properties that contribute to maintaining a pathogen-free soil environment. Its safety and affordability make it an attractive option for home pest control.
Wormwood infusion
Wormwood is a plant characterized by its bitterness and a smell that deters ants. To create an infusion, A handful of wormwood leaves should be boiled in two litres of water and left to sit for at least five hours. After cooling, the solution can be applied around roots and other areas affected by ants. This approach effectively decreases the ant population and, being a natural remedy, does not pose a threat to the surrounding plant ecosystem.
Combination of water and soap
The combination of water and dish soap produces an oily residue that prevents the movement of ants. To implement this solution, Dissolve a small amount of soap in water and apply the mixture directly to areas where ant activity is evident.This process should be repeated weekly until a decrease in the ant population is observed.
Lemon and vinegar serve to confuse and deter ants.
The acidic properties of lemon and vinegar serve not only as a deterrent, but also eliminate the scent trails created by ants during their movement, which complicates their ability to return to their colonies. To achieve this effect, it is advisable to Dilute equal parts lemon juice or vinegar with water and apply the solution by spraying it on the target area. However, it is wise to perform a preliminary test on a small section, as vinegar can be harmful to the foliage of certain plants.
Unpleasant flora
Certain plants, such as rosemary, lavender, mint, and thyme, serve as natural deterrents for ants and various insects. By growing these plants around affected areas, Not only can the presence of ants be deterred, but the aesthetic appeal and biodiversity of the garden is also improved. The odors emitted by these plants are unpleasant to ants, and effectively repel them from roots and other vulnerable areas.
After successfully eradicating ants, it is essential to implement preventative measures to ensure their absence in the future. Maintaining the plant area by removing organic debris and weeds is vital, as these elements offer shelter and sustenance for ants. Additionally, it is advisable to refrain from over-watering, as moisture tends to attract these pests.
Decorate the garden with bay leaves
A widely recognized method of deterring ants is to scatter small pieces of bay leaves in areas frequented by these insects. In addition, You can consider using other aromatic plants, such as mint, pennyroyal, cinnamon or cloves. For those who have only a few potted plants at home, placing several tea bags containing these herbs near the plants can also serve as an effective ant repellent.
Cucumber peels in the garden
Cucumber peels, as well as citrus peels, serve as an effective natural deterrent for ants due to their toxicity when decomposed. Consequently, Upon detecting the presence of cucumber, the ants will quickly move to another area. Therefore, to naturally repel ants from your garden, simply throw away some of the peels of this vegetable.
Scatter used coffee grounds
One method to deter ants is to surround the garden with used coffee grounds. This organic substance serves as an ecological repellent, since its powerful aroma induces a feeling of aversion among these insects, thus helping to prevent their presence.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to eliminate ants sustainably.