Everything you need to know about the advantages of a home composter

  • Home composting reduces waste and adds valuable nutrients to the soil.
  • The leachate generated by compost can be used as a natural pesticide.
  • With a proper composter, you can save on fertilizers and water for your crops.

Advantages of the homemade compost bin

Composting is one of the most sustainable and ecological ways to manage the organic waste we generate at home. Having your own home composter, in addition to being an effective recycling method, guarantees you a natural fertilizer of excellent quality that you can use for your plants and crops. With the growing concern for the environment and the use of resources, home compost is positioning itself as an attractive alternative to chemical fertilizers. We are going to delve into the advantages of the home composter, its characteristics, and how to make high-quality compost. We will also give you applicable tips to keep your composter in optimal condition.

Features of the home composter

advantages of home composting in orchards

Compost bins can be made from a wide variety of materials, including plastic, metal and wood. The choice of material will depend on where it will be placed and the climatic conditions. Wooden compost bins, for example, are ideal for outdoors as they allow for natural ventilation, while plastic ones may be more suitable for regions with high humidity.

A composter must have certain key characteristics:

  • It should have openings to allow air in and facilitate ventilation, which is crucial for aerobic decomposition (which requires oxygen).
  • It is recommended that the base be in direct contact with the ground, as this facilitates the entry of microorganisms from the soil that help decomposition. If this is not possible, a side opening can also be useful.
  • It is important to alternate layers of dry organic matter (such as branches, dry leaves) with layers of wet matter (food scraps such as fruit or vegetable peels) to ensure a balanced compost.

Some composters include rotating compartments or grids inside to facilitate mixing the compost and avoid having to stir it manually. These models, although more expensive, speed up the composting process considerably.

As for the waste to avoid, it is important not to include items such as cigarette butts, meat scraps, bones or plastics. These do not decompose properly and can contaminate the compost.

How to effectively maintain a compost bin

compost making

Keeping your composter running efficiently requires constant but simple monitoring. Success in creating high-quality compost depends on three main factors: temperature, humidity and oxygenation.

Humidity and temperature control: Organic matter needs to be kept at a temperature between 35 and 55 degrees Celsius for bacteria and fungi to effectively break down the waste. Humidity is another essential factor. If compost is too moist, it may smell rotten. To correct this, add more dry matter and stir the mixture to aerate it. If the compost is too dry, you can carefully add water or use moist material such as fruit and vegetable scraps.

Stir the compost periodically: It is important to stir the compost every two to three weeks to ensure that all the material decomposes evenly. This process oxygenates the mixture, which speeds up decomposition. Make sure that the bottom layer is well mixed with the upper layers.

Compost ready indicators: The compost is ready when it has a dark appearance, a soft texture and an earthy smell. You should not be able to recognize the original remains (except for some thick branches that take longer to decompose).

Advantages of the homemade compost bin

homemade compost bin

1. Improves air quality: Home composting is a great way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other harmful gases generated when incinerating waste. It reduces the need to burn waste, which in turn reduces smoke and toxic particulates that can cause respiratory problems or asthma attacks.

2. Reduction of landfills: Half of the waste we usually throw away in our household waste is organic matter that can be used to create compost. This not only reduces the amount of waste in landfills, but also generates a valuable resource: for every 100 kilos of organic waste, 30 kilos of compost can be generated.

3. Use as a natural pesticide: During composting, a liquid called leachate is generated, which can be used as a pesticide and natural fertilizer. This leachate is effective against various pests and diseases, such as tomato blight and powdery mildew. It also helps to strengthen the resistance of plants to pathogens.

4. Promotes biodiversity: The composting process mimics natural cycles that occur in ecosystems such as forests. Microorganisms, worms and insects break down the waste and, when they die, enrich the soil, providing additional nutrients for plants.

Why does composting contribute to sustainability?

Advantages of homemade compost and maintenance

1. Help conserve biodiversity: When organic waste ends up in landfills, it releases greenhouse gases such as methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. By composting it, we not only avoid these emissions, but we also promote a healthier environment for soil fauna.

2. Energy savings and carbon footprint reduction: Instead of relying on machinery and industrial processes to break down waste, composting is a completely natural process that requires no external energy. It also reduces the need to transport waste to treatment plants or landfills, which further reduces transportation-related emissions.

3. Less use of chemical fertilizers: Natural compost is an excellent alternative to synthetic fertilizers, which often pollute aquifers with excess nitrates. In the long term, the use of compost improves soil quality in a more sustainable way than industrial chemicals.

4. Contributes to the cycle of life: As in natural forests, compost returns nutrients to the soil, closing the life cycle of organic materials. Plants absorb these nutrients, grow stronger and healthier, and the process can be repeated indefinitely.

Composting as an environmentally responsible practice has gained relevance in recent years thanks to the growing awareness of climate change, the need to reduce waste and the dependence on agricultural chemicals. Having a home composter not only connects you with this natural cycle, but also offers you numerous advantages for your crops and the environment.

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